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Cannabis 101 Survey

Cannabis United just launched a new version of Cannabis101.com to help people understand the basics of cannabis. The updated site is now even more comprehensive with major visual and informational updates to reflect the state of cannabis in 2024. Please let us know your opinion of the site so we may further improve it.

Consumer Or Industry?
Are you a cannabis consumer or a member of the cannabis industry?
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  • Consumer
  • Industry
  • Neither
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Category Of Topics
Which category of topics were you the most interested in?
  • - select a option -
  • The Plant
  • Uses & Effects
  • Access/Legalization
  • Methods of Consumption
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Learn Something
By the time you finished your visit to Cannabis101.com, did you learn something?
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  • Yes
  • No
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I Did Learn Something
What did you learn?
Please share with us what you learned
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Overall Experience
How would you rate your overall experience with our website?
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  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Average
  • Poor
  • Very Poor
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Ease Of Navigation
How easy was it to find the information you were looking for on our website?
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  • Very Easy
  • Easy
  • Neutral
  • Difficult
  • Very Difficult
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Design And Layout
How do you find the design and layout of our website?
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  • Very Appealing
  • Appealing
  • Neutral
  • Unappealing
  • Very Unappealing
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Content Relevance
Is the content on our website relevant and helpful to you?
  • - select a option -
  • Very Relevant and Helpful
  • Relevant and Helpful
  • Neutral
  • Irrelevant and Unhelpful
  • Very Irrelevant and Unhelpful
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Loading Speed
How would you rate the loading speed of our website?
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  • Very Fast
  • Fast
  • Average
  • Slow
  • Very Slow
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Suggestions For Improvement
What improvements or additional features would you suggest to further enhance Cannabis101.com?
Suggested improvements
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Is there any language in Cannabis101.com that needs to be changed or edited?
Language to be corrected
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Are there any topics or details you would like us to include as we improve this resource?
Your requests
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Industry Advisory Board
As a member of the cannabis industry, would you like to be on our cannabis industry advisory board?
  • - select a option -
  • Sure, tell me more!
  • Nah, I don't want to lend my expertise or help steer the ship or network with my peers.
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Sponsor Cannabis101.com
Are you interested in sponsoring a topic or page that is relevant to your business on Cannabis101.com?
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  • Sure, tell me more!
  • Nah, I don't want to connect with my target audience.
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So we can get in touch.
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